Opportunities to collaborate. And create together.

The work of Vidhi offers a range of opportunities for collaboration and partnership, primarily in Film Production, Outreach and Political Education, Film Training

Film Production: Several feature films and documentaries are at various stages of scripting and development. 

Outreach and political education: In a country where film is a popular medium, Vidhi believes cinema is a powerful vehicle for political education and social change in Pakistan. Hence over the last several years we have screened films and generated discussion and debate in many small towns and remote villages where people have no access to cinema.

Training: In the absence of film schools in Pakistan, Vidhi believes it is essential to build a professional base for filmmaking. Through workshops, interactions with international experts and hands-on experience, over two hundred Pakistani actors and crewmembers have already been trained. 

Additionally, Vidhi is currently running a 6 month intensive Scriptwriting Workshop in collaboration with Open Doors, Locarno Film Festival. The program is supported by The Embassy of Switzerland in Pakistan and Getz Pharma, Karachi.